The Most Popular Breed of Rabbit, Ranked

Choose the breed you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:42
For those interested in adopting a rabbit, selecting the right breed is essential as each comes with its unique traits and care requirements. By examining a list of popular rabbit breeds, prospective owners can make informed decisions based on the preferences and experiences of others. This ranking helps highlight the characteristics that make certain breeds stand out, aiding in finding a suitable pet that matches an individual's lifestyle. Engaging with this ranking not only informs potential rabbit owners but also reflects the current trends in rabbit preferences based on user votes. Each vote contributes to a more accurate representation of popularity and satisfaction with various breeds. We encourage everyone to participate, as every vote helps refine the insights and usefulness of the list, ensuring it remains a valuable resource.

What Is the Most Popular Breed of Rabbit?

  1. 1

    Netherland Dwarf

    A small breed known for its compact size and cute appearance.
    • Size: Very small, 2-2.5 pounds
    • Temperament: Energetic and friendly
  2. 2

    Flemish Giant

    One of the largest breeds, known for its gentle nature and impressive size.
    • Size: Very large, 12-20 pounds
    • Temperament: Docile and calm
  3. 3

    English Lop

    Characterized by its very long ears and laid-back personality.
    • Ear Length: Very long
    • Size: Large, 9-11 pounds
  4. 4

    Holland Lop

    A small breed with distinctive lop ears and a sweet temperament.
    • Size: Small, 3-4 pounds
    • Ear Type: Lop
  5. 5


    Known for its velvety fur and friendly disposition.
    • Fur Type: Velvety
    • Size: Medium to large, 7.5-10.5 pounds
  6. 6

    Mini Lop

    Similar to the Holland Lop but slightly larger, known for its playful nature.
    • Size: Medium, 4.5-6 pounds
    • Ear Type: Lop
  7. 7


    A small, compact breed known for its bright eyes and easy care.
    • Size: Small, 2.5-3.5 pounds
    • Eye Color: Bright
  8. 8


    Distinguished by its mane of wool around the head, resembling a lion.
    • Size: Small to medium, 2.5-3.75 pounds
    • Mane: Wooly
  9. 9


    Famous for its distinctive color pattern and active, friendly personality.
    • Color Pattern: Distinctive
    • Size: Small to medium, 4-5.5 pounds
  10. 10

    French Lop

    A large breed with lop ears, known for its friendly and easy-going nature.
    • Size: Very large, 10-15 pounds
    • Ear Type: Lop

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular breed of rabbit. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or breed is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 39 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each breed once every 24 hours. The rank of each breed is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Breed of Rabbit

Netherland Dwarf
Rank #1 for the most popular breed of rabbit: Netherland Dwarf (Source)
Rabbits are popular pets. They are small, quiet, and gentle. Many people love their soft fur and twitching noses. Rabbits can be great companions. They do not need much space, which makes them good for apartments.

Rabbits have a long history with humans. People have kept them for thousands of years. They were once wild animals. Over time, they became domestic pets. Today, many families enjoy having rabbits at home.

Rabbits come in many shapes and sizes. Some are small, while others are larger. Their fur can be short or long. The colors vary, too. Some have solid colors, while others have spots or patterns. Each rabbit is unique.

Rabbits are social animals. They like to be around people and other rabbits. They often form strong bonds with their owners. Some rabbits even enjoy being held and petted. They can be playful and curious. They like to explore their surroundings.

Rabbits need proper care. They require a balanced diet. Hay is important for their health. Fresh vegetables and pellets are also good. Clean water should always be available. Rabbits also need a clean living space. Their cages should be spacious and safe. Regular cleaning helps keep them healthy.

Rabbits need exercise. They should have time outside their cages each day. This helps keep them active and happy. Supervised playtime in a safe area is best. They enjoy hopping around and exploring.

Rabbits have specific grooming needs. Regular brushing helps keep their fur clean. This is especially true for long-haired rabbits. Their nails need trimming, too. Regular check-ups with a vet are important. They help ensure the rabbit stays healthy.

Rabbits can be trained. They can learn to use a litter box. This makes cleaning easier. They can also learn simple tricks. Positive reinforcement works well. Treats and praise help encourage good behavior.

Rabbits have a lifespan of about 8 to 12 years. With proper care, some can live longer. They need attention and love throughout their lives. They are a commitment, but many find it rewarding.

Rabbits are quiet pets. They do not bark or meow. This makes them good for people who prefer a peaceful home. They communicate in other ways. They thump their feet when scared or excited. They purr softly when content.

Rabbits are sensitive animals. They can get stressed easily. Loud noises and sudden movements can scare them. A calm environment helps them feel safe. They should be handled gently. This helps build trust between the rabbit and its owner.

Rabbits are popular for a reason. They are gentle, quiet, and affectionate. They make great pets for many people. With proper care, they can be a wonderful addition to any home. Many people find joy in having a rabbit as a pet.

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