The Most Popular Type of Lemon, Ranked

Choose the type you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 24, 2024 09:30
Choosing the right type of lemon can significantly enhance a culinary experience, from baking to cocktails. With so many varieties available, it can be quite a challenge to know which lemon suits a particular purpose. By aggregating everyone's preferences and rankings, we offer a snapshot of the most favored types, helping you make informed decisions effortlessly. This site collects votes from users like you, who have experienced the different qualities of each type of lemon. Your input is invaluable, creating a dynamic resource that reflects current preferences and trends. Take part in shaping the most authoritative list and see how your favorites compare to others. Your participation powers this living guide, crafted through collective insight.

What Is the Most Popular Type of Lemon?

  1. 1


    A large lemon variety that is a hybrid between a citron and a lemon.
    • Origin: Maryland, USA
    • Size: Very large
  2. 2


    A sweeter, less acidic lemon, smaller in size, with a more orange-colored rind.
    • Origin: China
    • Skin Texture: Smooth, thin
  3. 3


    Famous for its use in limoncello, this Italian lemon has a thick rind and intense flavor.
    • Origin: Italy
    • Protected Geographical Indication: Yes
  4. 4


    A Spanish variety that is juicy and has a slightly thicker skin, making it ideal for juicing.
    • Origin: Spain
    • Harvest Season: Spring
  5. 5

    Yen Ben

    A New Zealand variety known for its acid content and thin skin, making it popular for culinary use.
    • Origin: New Zealand
    • Skin Texture: Thin
  6. 6

    Pink Variegated

    Known for its striped green and yellow rind and pink flesh, offering a mildly sweet flavor.
    • Origin: Unknown
    • Flesh Color: Pink
  7. 7


    A popular variety known for its year-round harvest and classic sour lemon flavor.
    • Origin: California, USA
    • Skin Texture: Textured, yellow
  8. 8


    Also known as Fino lemon, it is one of the main varieties grown in Spain, with a high juice content.
    • Origin: Spain
    • Juice Content: High
  9. 9


    Similar to Eureka but more cold-tolerant, with fewer thorns on the tree.
    • Origin: Portugal
    • Harvest Season: Year-round
  10. 10

    Femminello St. Teresa

    Also known as the Sorrento lemon, it is prized for its aromatic zest and flavorful juice.
    • Origin: Italy
    • Other Name: Sorrento

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular type of lemon. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or type is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each type once every 24 hours. The rank of each type is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Type of Lemon

Rank #1 for the most popular type of lemon: Ponderosa (Source)
Lemons are a popular fruit known for their bright yellow color and tart flavor. They are used in many dishes and drinks around the world. The most popular type of lemon has a smooth, thin skin and a juicy interior. It is often grown in warm climates and is available year-round.

This lemon is versatile. It can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Its juice is a key ingredient in lemonade, a refreshing drink enjoyed by many. The zest, or outer peel, adds a burst of flavor to baked goods, sauces, and marinades. Chefs and home cooks alike appreciate its ability to enhance the taste of other ingredients.

In addition to its culinary uses, this lemon has many health benefits. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system. It also contains antioxidants that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Drinking lemon water is a popular way to stay hydrated and support digestion.

This type of lemon is also easy to grow. It thrives in sunny locations with well-drained soil. Gardeners often plant lemon trees in their yards or in large pots. The trees produce fragrant blossoms that attract bees and other pollinators. With proper care, a single tree can yield many lemons each year.

Lemons have a long history. They are believed to have originated in Asia and were brought to Europe by early traders. Over time, they spread to other parts of the world, including the Americas. Today, they are grown in many countries and are a staple in kitchens everywhere.

When selecting lemons at the store, look for ones that are firm and heavy for their size. Avoid lemons with soft spots or blemishes. Store them at room temperature if you plan to use them soon, or in the refrigerator to keep them fresh longer.

In conclusion, the most popular type of lemon is a versatile and valuable fruit. It is easy to grow, has many culinary uses, and offers health benefits. Whether you are making a dish, a drink, or simply adding a slice to your water, this lemon is a great choice.

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